Chapter 460 It's Good to Know_1

Not daring to have any complaints against Mom and Dad, he took out his frustrations on someone who's rushed back through dust and wind.

"Good to know."

Jian Lian Xi had no intention of arguing. He turned around and headed toward the kitchen.

Jian Jiajun had no choice but to sigh resignedly and follow to help out.

On the other side, Anping also rushed to Mom's side, "Mom, you're finally back."

Yin Ci was amused by his tone and pretended not to understand, "What's the matter?"

Anping's little face wrinkled together, seemingly struggling with whether or not to reveal the incident of Grandma blowing up the kitchen.

Thinking of how serious and hardworking Grandma had been.

He eventually dismissed the thought and simply said, "I missed you."

Yin Ci patted his head, "Mom missed you too, Anping is really amazing, you can even help with cooking now."

This praise made Anping show an embarrassed expression but suddenly filled him with strength.

"Then I'll continue to help out."