Chapter 465: Probing_1

Moreover, he only wanted to meet with Mo Sefu to see if he could extract any information from him, having no intention to burn bridges unless absolutely necessary.

Under his repeated persuasion, Wen Xin finally set aside his worries for the time being.

"Be very careful."

Jian Lianxi nodded and headed out to the hospital where Mo Sefu was located.

By the time he arrived, Mo Sefu had already been waiting for him in the consulting room, as after all, Jian Lianxi had made an appointment in the name of a patient, just in time to prove this.

From the moment he entered the consulting room, Jian Lianxi kept a close eye on Mo Sefu's expression.

Mo Sefu had a face that blended Eastern features with Western, his eyes and brows carrying the innate approachability of a doctor, as he regarded him with a light gaze.

"Mr. Jian, please take a seat."

He seemed not to recognize him, treating him as just another patient coming for a consultation.