Chapter 467 Second Brother Admitted It_1

Gu Wanwan nodded seriously, "Don't worry, leave it to Auntie. My photography skills are peerless."

Jian Jiajun couldn't help but look at her and teased, "How come I didn't know about this?"

"There's a lot you don't know."

Gu Wanwan coughed lightly, stopping his words in their tracks, while pulling Yin Ci's hand.

She then answered her earlier question, "President Lu called us and said he hoped we could come together."

She was aware of what the Jian family had been busy with lately.

And with what Ming Yao had done, Lu Jianshen must have been worried Sister Ci couldn't handle it on her own.

"I really appreciate you guys, taking time out of your busy schedules to come here."

Yin Ci felt a warmth in her heart, knowing Second Brother and Wanwan had been busy planning the art exhibition recently.