Chapter 471 Didn't Your Father Leave You Anything?_1


Mo Sefu was silent for a moment before he continued to ask, "Didn't your father leave you anything?"

This question led Fang Yu to look at him with puzzlement.

"When he learned that your mom was pregnant, he was very happy. I think he must have made preparations. You shouldn't have had such a hard life."

Mo Sefu continued calmly, diverting Fang Yu's attention.

But Fang Yu still felt that something was off.

Indeed, she was quickly distracted by the matter of her biological parents, "They..."

Under Mo Sefu's curious gaze, she eventually shut her mouth and answered his previous question.

"Forget it, I don't know if he left me anything; that might be a question for the orphanage."

A complex expression flitted across the depths of Mo Sefu's eyes as he shook his head and responded, "I've asked them already; they said no. Could it be in your foster father's possession?"

This question instantly heightened Fang Yu's uneasy feeling.