Chapter 15: Old Madam

Lu Lingche sneered coldly, the truth was, he could have fixed the video himself.

However, it would have been a waste of his time, dealing with such a trivial matter didn't warrant his personal attention, thus he delegated this task to his assistant to find a specialist for it.

He was well aware of the market price.

"One million for a video restoration? Thinking I'm a cash cow? Are all the specialists nowadays this shameless and greedy? Tell him, eighty thousand."

Upon hearing the new price Yuanshan reported, Yan Xing felt as if he had been struck by lightning, unable to regain his senses for a good while.

Eighty thousand?

What kind of miser was he dealing with on the other side? His attempt to raise the price had backfired, resulting in a price reduction instead?!

After hanging up the phone, Yan Xing wore an uncomfortable look: "Qiao Yin, the client thinks we're intentionally overpricing and has slashed the price down to eighty thousand."

Qiao Yin was shocked: "What?"