Chapter 46: Embarrassment

Qiao Yin suddenly started laughing, which eventually turned into tears.

He certainly had a great affection for Lan Yuyi. When she mentioned the insult of being a mistress, he exploded in rage, rushing to protect her, completely disregarding his own wife.

When it came to divorcing her, he was stingy enough to only be willing to pay one million in compensation. But he could casually pull out ten or twenty million for Lan Yuyi, just to buy an herbal formula to please her.

Qiao Yin's voice was cold and hard, "Today, President Lu will learn that not everything in this world can be purchased with money! Want the herbal formula? Develop it yourself! I would sell it to anyone but you!"

A gleam of arrogance shone in Lu Lingche's eyes, "Apart from me, no one else would buy your herbal formula! I have plenty of ways to make it worthless!"