Chapter 502: Divorce Compensation Received

Shen Yujun sighed, "I just don't want you to have anything to do with him anymore, he's not a good guy. You need to learn to forget him and not let your hatred for him ruin your own life."

"As someone who has been through it all, you must listen to what your grandmother says, men are just a tiny part of life, something you can actually do without. Your own happiness is what's most important."

"You are just inexperienced, and Lu Lingche is so attractive that it's easy for you to get trapped."

"Once you've experienced more, you'll realize that outward appearances are deceptive, and men aren't that remarkable. Don't put too much energy into men, whether it's about love or hate."

Qiao Yin agreed with everything else that was said.

But she couldn't stop hating Lu Lingche.

She just couldn't.