Chapter 685: So it was you who helped Qiao Lainan

"The most vicious thing you did was to flaunt the necklace Lu Shengqing bought for you at the auction house, stating that it was given by Lu Lingche. You were fine at the auction house, but once you returned home, you staged a suicide attempt!"

"The drama you staged was absolutely terrifying and so realistic. You had everyone fooled. Lu Lingche must've been heartbroken for you, right?"

"At that time, he believed that I drove you to suicide and nearly hated me to death, wishing to divorce me immediately. You are incredibly crafty. It's rare to see a mistress as ruthless as you."

"Do you think I've forgotten everything you've done? You actually dare to provoke me in our hospital. Do you believe that your life is too comfortable and want to be scolded again?"

Upon being reminded of her many mistakes, Lan Yuyi showed no remorse.