Chapter 735: Wouldn't Humans and Demons Sigh at This Time?

Mianmian had a fairly comfortable sleep.

The next morning, as she opened her eyes and was about to stretch leisurely, she found that Xian Guifei was sitting by her bed, staring at her.

Xian Guifei's gaze grew stranger by the moment, and Mianmian couldn't understand it at all.

She blinked her eyes and could only ask, "Why did you sneak over to watch Mianmian sleep?"

Fortunately, she had the Donghuang Bell and the Demon Slaying Sword standing guard by her side. If Xian Guifei attempted anything, the Golden Dragon would sound the Donghuang Bell, waking her, and preventing Xian Guifei from succeeding.

"Because I can't comprehend it." Xian Guifei truly appeared baffled, "I did the same thing, yet why aren't you happy?"

"If you release Liaoji and Ling Xiao, Mianmian will be happy."

"If I release them, you will want to fight with me, and then you will leave."