Last week, they had a few days off and also missed a few days of classes, but last week she and He Yiran were also busy with other things, and neither of them had time to make up for the missed lessons. So, a week had passed and they still hadn't caught up, but you can't just not make up for missed classes. Thus, the task of catching up fell to the evenings.
As Yan Keke and the others would say, "There are no exams right now, and you haven't missed many classes. Can't you just make them up together when the time comes?"
In her understanding, which was also the prevailing view, catching up on these classes would be quite easy. All they needed to do was to concentrate and study intensively for a few days before the exams.
However, Mei Mengzhen felt, "Everyone thinks this way, but the study rooms will definitely be packed by then. I'd rather solidify my knowledge early on rather than scramble for a seat when the exams are upon us."