Indeed, the two took advantage of the little time in the car to make a call to Mei Mengchen. And oh, how jealous he was! Why was it that everyone else could be with his sister, while he had to stay in Xincheng? Even with his aunt's care, unhappiness was still unhappiness.
"Chenchen, Chenchen, are you ignoring your sister? Sister is so sad."
Playing the victim was something Mei Mengzhen was quite good at. After all, if you discount the bank balance and focus on everything else, she really was pitiable. Plus, Mei Mengchen wasn't actually mad at her. After a little pity party, he got over his anger and started speaking again.
"Sister, Chenchen isn't angry, just really jealous. Why can everyone else be with sister, but not Chenchen?"
"Hmm, using that word isn't bad, Chenchen. It seems like you've been studying well. Did your kindergarten teacher teach you that word?"
"No, but are you trying to change the subject? Chenchen won't fall for that."