He Yiran certainly knew by now; if she had no idea before, after moving her stuff today, how could she have no clue?
When she first arrived at school, she managed everything with a single suitcase, but even then, the luggage was packed by a servant at home. Not only was it practical, but they also perfectly organized her belongings. She couldn't even fit the original items back in, let alone the many things she acquired after starting school.
These past few days, as she started packing, she realized how true that was. But whether it was card boxes or tricolor bags, she wasn't keen on using either.
He Yiran kept silent, just watching Mei Mengzhen speak. But how considerate was Mei Mengzhen, ignoring her gaze and saying, "Honestly, I can lend you my tricolor bag; don't worry, it might not look great, but it's really durable." But she didn't need to ask for help with moving; she had plenty of her own stuff and couldn't spare the time.