Having said all that, He Yiran proceeded to talk to Mei Mengzhen about the situation over the past few days. Having been back for four to five days, naturally he had also slept for that duration, and even managed to squeeze out some time to handle business. He Yiran was somewhat proud, "Just wait and see the results tonight. But about your incense, can you really only produce that much in a month? Older people often have some sleep disorders, of course, and young people can too. If it were promoted on a larger scale..."
Before He Yiran could finish, Mei Mengzhen cut him off, "Don't even think about it. You should know that 15 sticks of incense cost 3 million to purchase. You can imagine how precious the materials must be. These materials aren't something money can easily acquire. It's good enough that they can supply it monthly. And you still want more? In your dreams. Don't be greedy. Whatever I give, you'll sell. Think of it as creating a demand through scarcity."