He Yiran continued, "I'm not in a hurry for business, actually our supply has already increased by a lot compared to before, but to be honest, it's still not enough. If we could have even more, the business could do even better."
As for He Yiran's words, Mei Mengzhen could only ignore them, after all, the current supply was already the maximum for them. The space was only so large, you could only grow so much at a time, there truly was no way to produce more.
Since she had nothing to do over the weekend, she naturally got dragged by He Yiran to 'hold down the fort' at Xiyuan.
'Holding down the fort' meant just that, literally sitting in her own office in Xiyuan, and then there was nothing else.
Mei Mengzhen sat around bored, unable to find anything to do. After playing games in the office with her brother for two days, she finally welcomed the start of the school week.
And after this week passed, it naturally was the day to record the show again.