Chapter 6 Mutual Testing_1

Of course, Shen Xian also guarded against Gu Chen.

For such a large group to be led by someone as young as Gu Chen, he mustn't be just a nominal heir to a rich family.

So how much was he involved with the kidnapping case back then? Was Shen Fei Group really as peaceful and glorious as the outside world perceived?

The two got off the elevator one after another, Ma Qi holding an iPad walked towards them while explaining Gu Chen's schedule for the afternoon.

Shen Xian held documents in his arms, unsure whether to come in or leave.

"Delay the afternoon meeting, go prepare some nutritional products."

Gu Chen casually glanced at the schedule on the iPad and instructed in a light tone; meanwhile, his long legs had already stepped into his office.

"Yes, President Gu."

Ma Qi responded without any hesitation, stopped in her tracks and turned back to her seat.

The professionalism and decisive execution impressed Shen Xian.

Shen Xian held the documents and, looking at the closed door, had to turn back to his own office.

This paperwork was the best proof that Shen Fei Group's fortunes had plummeted overnight due to the bomb scare.

She quickly finished reading the documents, analyzing the contents of these agreements in her mind—all large enterprise cargo termination contracts involving amounts too huge for her to imagine. If they truly ended cooperation, how much money would Shen Fei lose...

Thinking this, Shen Xian could also understand why Shen Fei would release such information to the public, or maybe it was Gu Chen's temporary strategy.

But were they really not going to investigate the person and motive behind the bombing?

The bomber knew Gu Chen was going to the warehouse yesterday, so he had planted the bomb in advance there; the triggering device would activate if the goods on top were moved, but why target Gu Chen?

A competitor? A personal enemy?

No, that's not right. There are many ways to compete in business, and it wouldn't escalate to harming one's life so cruelly.

That only left one possibility: Gu Chen had personal enemies—and such an enemy even had precise knowledge of his whereabouts!

Just as Shen Xian was deep in thought, a brief knock at the door interrupted him, followed by the door being pushed open.

It was the sweet secretary who had invited Shen Xian to lunch at noon.

"President Gu is visiting Assistant Zhang in the hospital and wants you to come along."

The girl walked in as she talked, placing several large boxes of nutritional supplements on Shen Xian's desk.

Shen Xian looked down to see all kinds of high-end products like deer antler and ginseng on his desk—truly a generous gesture, but were such nutritional products really suitable for a patient like Assistant Zhang...

"Is Assistant Zhang's injury serious?"

Shen Xian only remembered Zhang Chi being crushed under the shelving and goods yesterday; he had no clear idea of the actual injuries.

"It seems quite serious, or President Gu wouldn't visit in person, I hope..."

The sweet sister talked, her eyes starting to turn red.

"Oh, by the way, my name is Chen Nuo."

Realizing her lapse of composure, she quickly introduced herself with a sweet smile.

"Shen Xian," Shen Xian nodded slightly, sharing his name with her.

"I know." The girl hesitated, as if wanting to say more, and then continued, "Although that bomb was fake, I still admire your courage."

Shen Xian looked down at the nutritional supplements on the desk, unsure of how to respond.

Everyone seemed to unanimously consider the bomb a practical joke. Considering the circumstances, he found it inappropriate to offer further explanation.

"Thank you," he said lightly.

"Don't mention it. You're new here, so surely there are many things you're unaccustomed to, but things will get better once you're familiar. Although I don't know..."

Although I don't know how long you will stay, after all, the bomb was fake.

Shen Xian roughly knew what she wanted to express. He and Gu Chen were both clear about the real situation, but he didn't know what Gu Chen was planning.

After all, to outsiders, his appointment as the special assistant was a huge misunderstanding.

As they were talking, a distinct rhythm of footsteps came from outside, and Gu Chen had already stepped toward the elevator hall.

"Hurry, President Gu is going to the hospital, you should follow quickly."

Chen Nuo said this as she stuffed the nutrients in Shen Xian's hands and gently pushed her towards the exit.

Gu Chen, hearing the commotion, glanced over slightly but didn't say a thing.

Chen Nuo winked at Shen Xian and made an encouraging gesture before leaving with the elegance of a professional woman.

Why should one gear up to visit a sick person in the hospital?

Shen Xian thought with a smile, perhaps Chen Nuo wanted her to make a good impression and strive to stay on the thirty-fifth floor.

Thinking this way, she couldn't help but feel a bit more fondness toward this sweet girl.

Throughout the journey, Gu Chen seemed very busy, his computer never closed, and the phone calls were incessant.

Shen Xian sat in the front row, holding several large boxes of nutrition products properly; she truly did not know what other assistants would do in such a situation.

Since the boss hadn't given any instructions, she figured she'd best not disturb him.

Gu Chen also didn't avoid discussing, talking about major decisions and plans on call; he seemed to completely ignore Shen Xian's presence, and the driver, more like a tool person, stayed silent and focused on driving well.

When the car arrived at the hospital, Gu Chen was still in a teleconference, so Shen Xian didn't dare move and sat waiting silently in her seat.

After a while, sitting stiff became uncomfortable for Shen Xian, and she shifted her position to get more comfortable.

Gu Chen glanced at her, and ended the teleconference a few minutes later.

The driver immediately got out to open the door for Gu Chen, and Shen Xian followed suit, stepping out into the fresh air; she couldn't help but take a deep breath.

In the bustling hospital, a person like Gu Chen naturally attracted quite a bit of attention upon his arrival.

The tall and dignified Gu Chen, with his noble demeanor, walked ahead, exuding an air that made him seem unapproachable without uttering a word.

Shen Xian followed him silently, feeling as though she wished to hide herself away from the intense gazes all around.

The elevator was a bit crowded and, unusually, Gu Chen extended his hand to hold the door for Shen Xian, who was carrying heavy items.

"Thank you."

Shen Xian awkwardly stepped into the elevator and unconsciously thanked Gu Chen.

Gu Chen really took care of his own people. Zhang Chi was sick and stayed in a costly special care ward, with top-level decor and facilities that didn't even seem like those of a hospital.

"Boss, it hurts."

Zhang Chi's leg was suspended in the air, and upon seeing Gu Chen enter, he dropped the iPad in his hand and said pitifully.

Gu Chen glanced at his suspended leg and pale face, his brow wrinkling almost imperceptibly.

"I know."

Shen Xian followed behind, looking at the back of Gu Chen and suddenly feeling that he was a very gentle person.

"She is?"

Zhang Chi, lying on the bed, noticed Shen Xian standing at the door, with a moment of confusion.

"Yesterday, she..."

Before Gu Chen could finish, Zhang Chi started shouting excitedly, "It's you, I remember you, my lifesaver! Come quickly... ack—"

Overexcited, Zhang Chi's sudden movement jolted his injured leg, causing him to grimace in pain.

"Contain yourself a bit!"

Gu Chen grabbed the swaying traction rope, visibly unimpressed with Zhang Chi's reaction.

Shen Xian went forward to put down the boxes in her hand, and Zhang Chi immediately grasped her wrist to scrutinize it closely.

"Wow, a bomb-defusing heroine, let me get a good look at you, you're really amazing, not even afraid of a bomb. Thank you for saving me!"

Shen Xian, not used to such close contact with strangers, struggled to pull her hand back.

"The bomb was fake, so strictly speaking, I didn't save you."