Chapter 11 Falling into a Strange Loop_1

Actually, Shen Xian had always been puzzled by an unsolved mystery.

Logically speaking, at such a young age, Gu Chen should not have been sitting in his current position, even if he was just the acting chairman, but still, his authority ultimately surpassed that of his two uncles.

Why was it him, instead of one of his two uncles?

Especially his second uncle, whose insights and vision were on par with Gu Chen's. He even possessed more control and credibility, which was evident at the board meetings, where a mere glance from him could silence the unruly third Uncle Gu instantly...

When Shen Xian voiced her confusion to Chen Nuo, Chen Nuo's face changed immediately.

Having spent some time together, Chen Nuo had established a very friendly colleague relationship with Shen Xian, and if Shen Xian had not wished to keep their interaction superficial, Chen Nuo would have probably added Shen Xian to her circle of best friends.

"You really shouldn't ask such questions anymore. Three years ago, there was a big upheaval at Shen Fei. Now, everyone is very sensitive about this topic, and few dare to speak of it."

"Why? What happened three years ago?"

Upon hearing this timeline, Shen Xian became alert.

"I'm not particularly clear on the specifics, but it was definitely a struggle for power among the top executives. I don't know why, but in the end, the old Master Gu let Gu Chen take the position of deputy CEO and acting chairman. I heard that many people opposed it; otherwise, CEO Gu would have directly become the new chairman. Moreover, because of this, Shen Fei staff underwent a major turnover. I joined after CEO Gu took office."

Chen Nuo took a sip of her milk tea, looking worried.

"Did those who opposed leave? Did neither of CEO Gu's uncles object?"

"How could they not? CEO Gu's second uncle was okay, but the most vehement opposition came from the third uncle. I heard it got quite ugly. But the old Master Gu suppressed it, otherwise the third Uncle Gu wouldn't just be in charge of some trivial internal affairs of the company now."

"So a lot of people were let go after CEO Gu took office?" Shen Xian continued to ask.

"Yeah, new officials light three fires, and it really did burn red hot in half of the Shen Fei Building. From the grassroots to the executives, everyone was on tenterhooks. Some of the older staff told me that back then, every single one of them was on edge, scared that the layoff notice would land on their desk."

Chen Nuo shook her head, feeling nostalgic, "I'm glad I joined later. I wouldn't be able to handle living in such anxiety."

"Chen Nuo!"

Shen Xian reached out and held Chen Nuo's hand that was on the table, "Could you, help me find the list of employees who were laid off back then?"

"What do you need that for?"

Chen Nuo was a bit surprised by Shen Xian's sudden intimacy, smiling as she looked at her.

"CEO Gu recently asked me to compile a talent flow report, and I'm worried about listing the people from before, so..."

Before Shen Xian could finish, Chen Nuo seemed to understand, "No problem, leave it to me. As CEO Gu's secretary, I can handle this. I know you take this job seriously. Don't worry, with your strong adaptability, I believe you will manage. You just haven't been here long, but give it some time, and I'll be the one asking you for favors."

Shen Xian looked at Chen Nuo, feeling somewhat guilty for having deceived this person who had been sincere towards her.


"Don't worry, I won't let anyone else know. I'm on good terms with the sister from the Human Resource Department," Chen Nuo said with a hint of pride, winking.

With the help of Chen Nuo, Shen Xian quickly obtained a list of employees laid off from Shen Fei three years ago, along with a complete roster of staff who had joined or left in recent years.

To Shen Xian's surprise, the middle manager whose wife and child had been kidnapped was not on the layoff list.

He had voluntarily resigned a month before the layoffs, with no clear reason given.

Less than a week after his resignation, the kidnapping took place.

Shen Xian felt she was caught in a strange loop. There seemed to be a connection, but then again, there seemed none. This perplexing loop confined her, leaving her in a difficult dilemma.

Suddenly, she desperately wanted to meet Zhou Mu. Being trapped in this unresolved confusion, the oppressive feeling of helplessness made her feel desperate.

Shen Xian and Zhou Mu arranged to meet at the boxing gym, a place they used to frequent. Now, aside from some new equipment, the space had barely changed at all.

The past still lingered in her mind, yet before her eyes, everything was different.

"Shen Xian, over here!"

Zhou Mu had arrived before Shen Xian and was already dressed in his workout gear, which showcased his muscular physique impressively.

When Shen Xian looked over, he was smiling at her.

"You're up early!"

Shen Xian smiled faintly as she walked over, casually tossing her sports bag onto a chair, and began to take out her gear.

"Old habits die hard."

Zhou Mu put on his boxing gloves and bounced back and forth, making an attacking gesture, "Hurry up, I'm waiting for you."

Shen Xian quickly changed into her clothes and came out. Her black hair was braided into two plaits, her eyes full of fighting spirit, and her pure face was surprisingly attractive.

Her figure was actually quite nice. Long-term strength training, coupled with frequently moving heavy objects over the past three years, had given her a clear and flowing muscular outline. Below her cropped fitness top, you could see her well-defined abs, and her legs were straight and long, with excellent proportions.

If she didn't dress for comfort and casualness on a daily basis, her figure could even be considered curvy and voluptuous.

"Come on, Captain Zhou."

Her tone was full of the ambitious spirit and bravado of pre-challenge, as she stood on the ring, hopping and bouncing around, ready for the fight.

"You haven't practiced for a long time, have you? I'll go easy on you," Zhou Mu said as he rose to his feet, rubbing his hands together, ready to face her.

Shen Xian didn't speak, just smirked with a tilt of her lips. She twisted her ankles to warm up and slapped her gloved hands in front of her chest, her momentum already building.

Zhou Mu's tender gaze faded away as he assumed a fierce stance, eyeing Shen Xian intently.

Shen Xian was quick and agile, Zhou Mu's punches brought wind, and they attacked and dodged, showing a synchronicity as if they had rehearsed.

"If you don't start getting serious, I'm going to make a move!"

Shen Xian said seriously to Zhou Mu, who seemed to be earnestly engaged in front of her.

Zhou Mu's punches looked vicious, but in fact, he held back with each one. He thought he was leaving no trace, but how could that deceive Shen Xian who knew him well.

"Come on!"

Responding to her challenge, Zhou Mu feinted a retreat with a couple of quick steps, but was immediately met with a barrage of rapid strikes from Shen Xian, her fists flying in from both sides.

In motion, Shen Xian didn't seem at all delicate or weak, as if a tremendous burst of power hid within her supposedly frail body.

You never knew where her next attack would come from; it could be a right punch, a left punch, or even a kick.

Zhou Mu wasn't struggling to block the blows, but it wasn't easy either.

After a brisk and exciting bout, both of them leaned against the fence, gasping for breath.

Zhou Mu waved his hand weakly, "I really... underestimated you. You haven't fought for so long, yet your attack is just as strong as it was three years ago."

Shen Xian propped her arms on the fence, panting even harder, as large drops of sweat ran down her cheeks, chin, and neck.

Her skin, wet with sweat, shimmered with a fine glow, and the black strands of her hair created a chaotic pattern across her cheeks and neck.

Her bright, lively eyes sparkled with an alluring light after the intense activity.

This Shen Xian, from the inside out, exuded a sunny sexiness.

Hearing Zhou Mu's words, she laughed heartily, "Who told you I haven't fought in a long time!"

Zhou Mu looked away, chuckling helplessly as he shook his head; she had fooled him!

The two of them joked as they stepped down from the ring and took a seat to rest.

Zhou Mu habitually opened a bottle of water and passed it to Shen Xian, who took it naturally and took several large gulps.

It felt so refreshing! It had been a long time since she had enjoyed sweating like this.

Watching Shen Xian's hearty drinking, Zhou Mu gently reminded her, "Slow down a bit."

He, on the other hand, didn't bother to drink, but instead took a towel and began to wipe Shen Xian's sweat, his movements natural and practiced.

The man, whose entire being radiated a steely determination, appeared particularly gentle and considerate in doing these things.

Shen Xian, with her head tilted back, drinking joyously, suddenly caught sight of an unexpected person in her vision.