Chapter 13: An Unexpected Reunion_1

Shen Fei Group encompasses industries such as international logistics, secondary market investment and financing, and the internet, with a business empire so vast that Shen Xian couldn't imagine its scope.

She had discovered that three years ago, the real person in charge of Shen Fei's logistics was Gu Chen's third uncle, Gu Heng—the quick-tempered man who didn't seem easy to get along with.

And coincidentally, the staff member Liu He who was involved in the incident back then was none other than the very person whom Third Uncle Gu valued and relied upon most.

But nobody would hurt someone who is useful to them, would they?

In Shen Xian's room, on one glass wall, connections between these people were marked. Adding a new entry, she listed Gu Chen and Third Uncle Gu as having a hostile relationship.

On the surface, if one only saw the relationships within the Gu Family, they would naturally appear as Shen Xian had seen recently—respectful nephews and virtuous uncles, very harmonious.

But once the outer shell is stripped away, among these internal competitions and persecutions, how much is genuinely considered for each other, and how much is blinded by self-interest, crossing boundaries without regard for kinship?

As her work at Shen Fei continued, Shen Xian's understanding of shareholder relationships grew ever deeper; she also knew just how many people were eyeing the position Gu Chen occupied with covetous intent.

From the case with Zhang Chi, it was evident that Gu Chen treated his own people well.

Looking at the way he handled and defused this logistics crisis, he also played the part of a decisive and calculating individual.

Gentle as he was, deep was his shrewdness.

If that was the case, then the possibility of him having used extraordinary measures to rise to power three years ago could not be ignored.

Photos on the glass board, the network of relationships, interconnected by lines, left Shen Xian somewhat unable to sort through the clutter at the moment.

The entangled complexity of Shen Fei Group truly was a headache.

Shen Xian stared at the glass board for a long time, until her eyes grew sore, and only then did she take a shower and go to bed. Tomorrow was another new week; who knew if there would be any new breakthroughs.

Shen Xian was rapidly familiarizing herself with the professional skills required of a personal assistant, thanks to the online guidance of Zhang Chi and the reminders of Chen Nuo, she was learning fast.

From accompanying Gu Chen at major meetings and organizing documents to reminding Gu Chen of his schedule, ordering takeout for him, and making coffee.

This naturally led to some official expenses, so she had no choice but to learn the reimbursement process of Shen Fei Group.

However, what Shen Xian had not anticipated was that here she would encounter someone she could never have expected to meet.

One day, a young girl from the Finance Department, holding a rejected form, waited for Shen Xian in the hallway.

This was the third time the Finance Department had rejected the reimbursement audit she had submitted, and Shen Xian was puzzled. The first time, she had followed the procedure Chen Nuo told her, and the second time, the girl from the Finance Department had walked her through what to do step by step.

Moreover, the materials and processes for the first and second submissions were nearly identical, which meant Chen Nuo's instructions were correct.

For the third time, Shen Xian had only added some newly incurred expenses to the original costs; the submission process remained the same as the previous two times.

"This is outrageous. They even dare to reject the reimbursement form of the CEO's assistant. In the past, it was your department that would stick the labels and process it themselves. Now what? Picking on Shen Xian because she's new?"

Chen Nuo, holding the form returned by the Finance Department, yelled angrily at the young staff member from Finance.

"Sorry, sorry. But there is a problem with this expense submitted by Assistant Shen; it doesn't meet our reimbursement standards. Our supervisor said that if Assistant Shen has any questions, she can see her directly,"

The girl looked to be a recent graduate, young and frightened by Chen Nuo's shouting, she lowered her head, not daring to meet anyone's gaze. A CEO's secretary held a high position within the group, and nobody dared to offend them lightly.

"What standard does it not meet? You better make that clear!" Chen Nuo flipped through the reimbursement form in her hand, her lovely face flushed with anger.

Shen Xian looked at the girl, who just kept her head down, saying nothing.

"Alright, stop giving the girl a hard time. Maybe there really is a problem, and it's not much money anyway. Let's talk about it later," Shen Xian didn't want to fuss over these trifles.

"How can that be alright? Public matters are public, private matters are private; things have to be done the right way," Chen Nuo always believed in a clear distinction between public and private matters and never tolerated any confusion.

"Assistant Shen, or maybe you should just go and see our supervisor in person,"

The young girl stared at the floor for a long while, then suddenly raised her head and looked at Shen Xian with a pleading expression.

Caught between an executive assistant and her own superior, she couldn't afford to offend either.

Shen Xian considered for a moment, then took the form from Chen Nuo's hand, "Alright, I'll have a word with your supervisor."

"Hey, Shen Xian, can you go on your own? Do you want me to accompany you?"

Chen Nuo's list was taken from her hands, causing her to call out to Shen Xian, who was about to walk away.

"Don't worry; I'm not going to fight. I will be back soon. You go ahead with your work," Shen Xian said lightly, leaving with the Finance Department's young lady.

"So, actually, the process and the documents all meet the standards, right?"

Once in the elevator, Shen Xian asked the girl who kept her head down and dared not look at him. The girl glanced at Shen Xian and gave a soft "Mhm" in acknowledgment.


She had secured the position of special assistant in such a way that many in the company did not speak well of her.

The most obvious was Ma Qi, the overseas-educated returnee, but even Ma Qi, after confirming she wasn't going anywhere, treated her decently on the surface out of respect for Gu Chen.

To trouble her over such a small matter, no, to go out of the way to make trouble for her as a special assistant, this Finance Director was the first to do so.

She was curious to see how she would explain herself in this situation.

"Special Assistant Shen, I... I won't accompany you inside,"

the girl said timidly, leading Shen Xian to the door of the Finance Director's office.

"Alright. Thank you!"

Shen Xian was usually not one to smile or speak more than necessary, always appearing cool and detached. But her thankful tone made the young lady somewhat embarrassed.

It was their Finance Department that was feeling guilty, so this expression of thanks was somewhat hard for her to accept. The young lady nodded slightly and quickly left.

Shen Xian raised her hand and gently knocked on the glass door of the office, and after a while, she heard a female voice from inside say, "Come in."

Through the door, the voice seemed less than real, and only the gender was distinguishable.

Shen Xian pushed the door and entered, spotting a slender figure of a woman standing by the large floor-to-ceiling windows.

A tight red silk dress hugged her graceful figure, her thick black curls hanging loosely down to her waist. Delicate, slender ankles were adorned with the straps of her leather high heels. The sunlight outside the window bathed her feet, making her legs appear luminously white.

What a stunning beauty!

Alluring yet efficient, sexy but dignified.

Shen Xian silently admired the sight, thinking that just this silhouette alone was enough to fuel endless fantasies.

"Hello, I'm Shen Xian, here to discuss the reimbursement issue with you," Shen Xian began evenly, speaking softly to the magnificent figure.

The woman did not speak. She took a sip of her coffee and lightly ran her fingers through her hair before finally turning around slowly.

Her lips, fiery as her dress, curled into a scornful arc, her voice coming allureingly as if from the clouds:

"Shen Xian, long time no see."

As the woman turned, light and shadow danced across Shen Xian's face. She stared incredulously at the intensely beautiful woman before her, her mouth agape, struggling to utter two words with a puzzled tone—

"Qin Shi?"

"Yes, it's me, Shen Xian. Surprised?"

Qin Shi stepped forward in her delicate heels, moving towards Shen Xian. Passing by the desk, she casually set down her coffee cup, her stunning eyes unwavering as they focused on Shen Xian.

"It's quite a surprise to see you here. Our great—hero!"

She spoke the last few words through clenched teeth, her gaze at Shen Xian filled with hatred as she closed in, sizing up Shen Xian from head to toe.

"You're still as arrogant as ever. What, do you really see yourself as a hero now?"

Shen Xian clenched her fists, watching the woman draw nearer. The face blossoming before her like a red rose overlaid with the clean, pure face from her memory—

This woman was Bai Zhan, her brief youthful love, and now the Finance Director of Shen Fei Group, Qin Shi.