Chapter 18 Shen Xian Eavesdrops_1

Shen Xian hesitated for a moment, then quickly turned and followed.

He saw the figure hurry around the side of the building, taking rapid steps to an inconspicuous corner at a turn. There was no path ahead, and as it was closing time, nobody lingered there.

Shen Xian hid between a signpost and a tree, where the light vaguely illuminated the silhouette not far away.

A black Cayenne came to a steady stop in the corner. The dark figure Shen Xian had glimpsed hurried to the car, knocked on the window glass, and looked around warily.

Then, illuminated by the light cast from above, Shen Xian clearly recognized the person as Peng Fei – the same man who had attacked them in the parking lot that day.

During the day, they had allowed the security guards to escort him away, so why was Peng Fei here now?

Could it be that he had never left?

Why the tense and secretive behavior? Who was he meeting?

Who exactly was in that luxury car?