Chapter 24 Remember to Collect Flowers_1

Shen Xian returned home, feeling inexplicably exhausted. She carelessly placed the insulated flask on the cabinet by the door, kicked off her shoes, and with bare feet, walked over to the low sofa by the balcony, collapsing into it.

The wind was strong, but fortunately she had closed the windows when she left, which allowed her to now lie quietly and listen to the howling wind outside, without having to get up to close them.

She picked up a book from the table at random—it was written by an American psychologist, "The Road Less Traveled," discussing how people can live a new, peaceful, and enriched life after undergoing a series of difficult and even painful changes.

This was the book that the psychologist recommended to Shen Xian during her most difficult time; her parents had forcibly taken her to see him, and she had been reading it on and off ever since.

Over the years, she had read it several times, but each time there were different insights to be gained.