Chapter 28 Love and Human Nature_1

Li Yao wailed, not daring to speak rashly any longer, his face turned red as he glared at Shen Xian only to see the woman behind her looking back with a cold expression, her gaze sharp as a knife's edge.

Shen Xian saw that he no longer dared to act recklessly, so she pushed him away, creating some distance.

"Let's go."

Shen Xian turned around, taking the almost soulless Chen Nuo, opened the door, and they left through the emergency exit.

After they exited, Chen Nuo habitually turned right, but Shen Xian quickly stopped her, "Don't go that way, let's go down here."

Chi Hong probably had left, considering what she had just seen, but whether Gu Heng had left was still unclear, and it would be bad if they ran into him by chance.

With Chen Nuo in her current state, it would be inevitable for people at the company to gossip if she were seen.

Moreover, no one wanted to bump into their company's management off-duty, even if he wasn't their direct supervisor.