Chapter 72 "Fellow Patients" Communication_2

So the boy started telling Shen Xian about his experience of being deceived and how he walked out of that dark period. When he got to the tough parts, he either choked up or burst into tears.

Shen Xian managed to maintain a detached attitude at first, but as she listened, something resonated with her. She felt an inexplicable empathy, so she began handing tissues to the boy and occasionally offering a few words of comfort.

Comforting others was not Shen Xian's forte; it even made her feel embarrassed. But she couldn't just sit idly by while the person across from her was sobbing so heavily he seemed to be gasping for air.

"It's all in the past, as long as you can walk out of it, that's good."

Upon hearing Shen Xian's words, the boy's eyes lit up, "Really? Do you really think so?"

Shen Xian nodded.