Chapter 99 Friend Request_2

"Mr. Gu, these are the peace apples they prepared."

When Shen Xian entered, he happened to catch Gu Chen putting on his coat, clearly about to go out.

Gu Chen didn't even glance at the apples on the table and just gave a noncommittal "hmm."

"Are you heading out, Mr. Gu? It doesn't seem like you have any trips scheduled today; let me prepare right away."

Shen Xian was worried he had perhaps made a mistake.

"No need! It's a personal errand."

Gu Chen had finished putting on his coat and slowly walked over, standing in front of Shen Xian. "Zhang Chi has lived abroad for many years and values this holiday quite a bit. If you don't have other invites, go keep him company in my stead."

Gu Chen's voice was very gentle, and his gaze upon Shen Xian was also soft. At this moment, he didn't seem like Shen Xian's leader, but rather like a husband giving instructions to his darling wife before leaving home.