Chapter 117: Chi Hong Seeks Cooperation_2

"Haha, I just knew, President Gu wouldn't dwell on a single failed collaboration," he said, and with a wave of his hand, he signaled Yan Jin to bring out their prepared proposal plan for Gu Chen.

Gu Chen flipped through it quickly, scanning the important information with laser focus.

"It seems that President Chi Hong is indeed full of sincerity towards our cooperation."

'Full of sincerity' meant that Chi Hong had conceded most of the benefits in the collaboration to Shen Fei.

Chi Hong's eyes smiled, "If there was no sincerity, how could I dare to waste President Gu's time? As they say, cooperation leads to mutual success. I believe that by joining forces, both of our enterprises can reach new heights!"

Chi Hong's oath seemed as though he was filled with confidence in the future collaboration.

Gu Chen closed the proposal plan, patting the cover with his large palm, appearing contemplative.