Chapter 133 Zhou Mu's Condition Worsens_2

Shen Xian nodded with determination.

The squad walked over, and Shen Xian stepped to the side, leaning against the wall to give them room. Chengzi waved at Shen Xian, following at the end of the line, as several men walked away with uniform steps.

This was, after all, a military hospital, so such a scene was not unusual.

But for Gu Yao, the impact of this sight was quite significant.

In the past, she had only seen such disciplined military behavior on television or in news footage. Now, witnessing it up close and hearing it, she was deeply shaken.

She also deeply realized how important the person lying in the ICU was to them.

To tell the truth, with the chaos and tension of the moment, she hadn't even gotten a clear look at the man who had saved her.

"Madam, you should head back too,"