Chapter 139: Physicians Cannot Heal Themselves_1

Shen Xian took a tentative sip of the soup, a thought flickering through his mind, but he was abruptly interrupted by Shu Yan's cry of astonishment.

"Captain Zhou?!"

Shu Yan's gaze fell upon Zhou Mu's hand, which had moved slightly on the bed, and she couldn't help but cry out.

"I saw Captain Zhou move, his eyes, his hands!"

She hastily set down the cutlery she was holding and got up to check.

"Doctor, call a doctor quickly."

Shen Xian also rose to his feet in a hurry, looking intently at the bed where Zhou Mu's fingers were indeed moving slightly, but they soon became still again.

Shu Yan rushed out to call for help, and soon the doctors and specialists arrived.

The leading doctor took out his stethoscope and after checking Zhou Mu, his expression was very optimistic.

"He's recovering well, if all goes well, he should wake up in the next couple of days."

"Really? That's wonderful!"