Chapter 153: A Change of Fighter_1

Shen Xian curved his lips into a smile, adopting a battle stance with his hands in the air as he hopped towards Chen Nuo.

"Hey hey, ayayaya!"

Chen Nuo was forced to retreat repeatedly by Shen Xian's feigned punches, shouting discordant notes at random.

And yet, Shen Xian didn't really land any punches on Chen Nuo; it seemed as though one was dodging while the other attacked, but there was basically no actual contact.

Chen Nuo leaned against the fence, already out of breath.

"So, you're just trying to scare me, huh?"

It was indeed scary; even though he didn't hit her, the wind generated by his swinging fists, along with Shen Xian's momentum, had truly frightened her.

"Now for real!"

Shen Xian took a step back and gestured with his hand for Chen Nuo to come to the center of the area.

"Fine, bring it on, like I'm scared of you!"

Chen Nuo stubbornly blew her hair out of her face and took up a stance like Shen Xian's.