Chapter 165 Yu Yang's Lightspeed Comeuppance_1

The remaining ten minutes of the car ride passed in silence between them.

Gu Chen turned on some music, and the car's speed unconsciously slowed down.

Perhaps it was after hearing Gu Chen's words that Shen Xian's entire state seemed to relax; she propped a hand on her neck and looked out the window at the night scenery receding into the distance.

For her, this moment brought a rare sense of peace and tranquility.

The road home always feels shorter when it's for someone dear to your heart.

Gu Chen was driving very slowly now, and they were frequently overtaken by other drivers.

Some with road rage were itching to curse, but upon spotting the license plate and its unique numbers, they ultimately passed by in silence, looking for opportunities to overtake.

When the car stopped under the building where Shen Xian lived, she began to feel sleepy again.

The sudden halt brought her back to full alertness.

"We're home."

Gu Chen spoke softly and turned to look at her.