Chapter 179 The Tower is Hollow, and So is the Heart_1

Shen Xian and Shu Yan helped tidy up the house and the piles of things that Gu Yao had sent over before leaving.

When it was time to leave, Zhou Mu's parents insisted that Shen Xian stay for a meal before departing.

"Our boss gave me time off in advance, I've booked my trip home for today, and I've promised my grandmother that I wouldn't let her down."

"I see, then you should head home early. After the Spring Festival, come back and I'll cook you something delicious."

Zhou Mu's mother was clearly reluctant to let Shen Xian go. It had been several years since their last meeting, and the current Shen Xian's temperament was very different from before, but she was, after all, a familiar child, and her mother genuinely wished her the best.

Shen Xian smiled and agreed.

Zhou Mu's mother held Shen Xian's hand but was reluctant to let go.

"Mom, if you keep holding onto her, it will soon be dark, and the road won't be easy to navigate."