Chapter 182 Fashionable Grandma_2

Though she felt a faint resentment, when she spoke, it became, "Was your trip back smooth?"

"Pretty smooth, yeah."

Shen Xian subconsciously glanced towards the kitchen. It wasn't a convenient time to mention her highway adventure—if Grandma heard, she'd worry herself sick.

"Alright then, you get some rest."

Gu Chen's tone sounded displeased! The moment this woman left Beiji, she became like a kite without its string—confronted with problems, she wouldn't discuss them with him, and she couldn't even send a message to reassure him when she arrived home. The sense of insecurity in his heart suddenly began to surge.

He had felt somewhat relieved when the bodyguard he had sent to escort her called to tell him that Shen Xian was safely home.

But then he started checking his phone frequently. Five minutes passed with no message from her...

Ten minutes passed, and she hadn't called either.