Chapter 199: Leave Without Saying Goodbye_1

"Shen Xian, no matter what identity or profession you had before, you are after all a girl. Sometimes you need to learn to be soft; there will be someone to protect you."

Shen Xian had never heard such words; no one had ever told her that as a girl she should be fragile and wait for someone to protect her.

"Gu Chen..."

Shen Xian sighed softly as she called his name, and ultimately said nothing more, her gaze shifting to the fireworks on the horizon.

Gu Chen casually draped an arm over her shoulder as they stood side by side, watching the fireworks in an embrace that wasn't quite an embrace.

After watching the fireworks outside, Shen Xian brought Gu Chen into the house.

Grandma had already prepared a guest room for Gu Chen.

"You can sleep here tonight. It's a bit plain, but fortunately, the room faces the sun and is very warm."

"It's not plain, it's very... homey."