11 New Round of Brainwashing

Mother Li hadn't spoken when Goudan came over.

He scooped up a bowl of water and gulped it down.

Imitating the adults, he wiped his face and said carelessly, "I found it at the foot of the mountain."

Hearing Goudan's words, the three Lin brothers' eyes widened in disbelief.

The little sister's luck is incredible!

The mountain is practically bare, where on Earth did she find this wild chicken?!

Upon hearing the noise, Lin Tang came out of the room again.

Seeing her father and brothers looking so pleased, she felt happy too, and her face involuntarily broke into a smile.

"Dad, eldest brother, second brother, third brother, you're all back, go wash your hands first!"

With that, she brought over a basin of water.

As soon as Lin Qingmu saw her carrying the basin, his brow furrowed slightly with some dissatisfaction, saying, "You don't need to do this; a quick rinse is fine for us."

Even so, he almost couldn't keep the corners of his mouth from reaching the back of his head.

Mother Li didn't find anything wrong with his words.

She looked at her third son with approval, satisfied with his inclination to dote on his little sister.

In those days, girls inherently led tough lives, and they only had a few years of carefree living.

Her daughter, in her own home, would be indulged as she wished.

Seeing her third brother treating her like a porcelain doll, Lin Tang, with a face like a thundercloud, said, "Third brother, have you forgotten that I'm the one who can catch a wild chicken?"

She's quite the capable one.

A basin of water? She could handle a whole bucket!

In his heart, Lin Qingmu didn't really believe her small frame could catch the cunning wild chicken.

He simply thought that this time his sister was lucky.

A blind cat ran into a dead mouse and caught it.

But he has always been an irrational sister spoiler, so he earnestly said, "That's right, that's right, little sister is the most amazing."

Lin Tang proudly lifted her little chin.

Even clad in clothes dusty and patched, she didn't look like a typical farm child.

Lin Qingmu felt a tender feeling in his heart and reached out to ruffle her head like he did when she was younger.

But looking down and seeing the black mud on his fingers, he awkwardly retracted his hand with a smile.

When Lin Tang had first come to that era, she often thought of her third brother, who carried her on his back and ran around the brigade when she was little.

She always imagined that if her brothers had been there, she wouldn't have been bullied by the kids at the orphanage.

Ultimately, her face was ruined by a girl described as 'innocent yet sensible and adorable', turning her into a woman without a face.

Lin Tang gazed absentmindedly at her third brother washing his hands, but in Lin Qingmu's eyes, it was as if his little sister couldn't get enough of her third brother's company.

He couldn't help but feel pleased.

Lin Qingmu proudly raised his eyebrows at his father and brothers, his face radiating with triumph.

He was indeed Tangtang's favorite brother!

After the incident where Lin Tang found wild chicken eggs, and then wild chickens and rabbits too, Goudan had grown significantly fonder and more affectionate towards his little aunt.

Leading his younger brother Choudan, he followed closely behind Lin Tang, looking quite comical.

Having washed his hands, Lin Qingmu playfully flicked water at the two little boys, laughing, "What are you two silly boys following Tangtang for?"

Choudan looked at his brother in confusion, his little face puzzled.

Goudan's face lifted, his dark eyes flashing with astuteness.

However, he put on an honest face and scratched his head imitating their father, saying, "Nothing."

Following his little aunt meant getting to eat meat.

Plus, his little aunt was now gentle and generous, and the prettiest girl in the village—he liked following her around.

Choudan, still young, also smiled blankly and said softly, "Nothing."

The Lin family couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Looking at her harmonious family, Lin Tang smiled with a twinkle in her eyes.

This was the family she had dreamed of day and night!

It was wonderful to be back.

Being with her family, even eating coarse rice and vegetables was joyful!


Ning Xinrou and Zhou Mei finished tidying up the vegetable garden and heard laughter coming from the kitchen, so they went in too.

"What's making everyone so happy? Mom, what's the good news? Let big sister-in-law and I share the joy."

Zhou Mei's voice entered the room before she did.

Seeing his wife come in, Lin Qingshui said with a smile, "Mei Zi, Tangtang found a wild chicken; we've got meat to eat today."

Say what?


Zhou Mei looked dazed, her thoughts racing. Could the always hungry Lin family actually have meat to eat?

How could she not believe it?

But she had to believe it.

As Zhou Mei looked up, she caught sight of the pale, tender chicken on the chopping board.

"Oh my old mother, it's really meat!" she exclaimed, reaching out to touch it.

Li Xiuli, seeing her sooty hands, rapped them with the rolling pin and shot her second daughter-in-law a stern glance.

"What are you touching? Look at how dirty your hands are!

It's utterly shameful; go out quickly, don't stress your mother out here."

That last part was something Tangtang had said.

Zhou Mei felt wronged inside, but she was used to her mother-in-law's nagging and had developed a thick skin.

She wasn't going anywhere.

Meat, oh, it was meat.

Even if she couldn't eat it, just looking was good enough!

Ning Xinrou was used to her sister-in-law's ways and with a hint of helplessness in her eyes, she smiled and asked Li Xiuli,

"Mom, did Tangtang truly find this meat in the mountains?"

Are there still wild creatures in the mountains?

Li Xiuli, frail in stature, straightened up slightly, her gaze towards Lin Tang full of affection.

"It's Tangtang, she saw how hard we were working and went to the mountains specially to catch it."

With a serious look on her face, she continued,

"You all know how dangerous the mountains are!

Last year, didn't your Uncle Jiangang, Shuanzi's dad, get eaten alive by a bear, forever left on the mountainside?

The mountains are fraught with peril; do you know the risk your sister took to get this meat for you?

I don't expect you to remember Tangtang's kindness, just don't be ungrateful like that white-eyed wolf. It's just that my Tangtang is kind-hearted and sensible..."

Lin Tang's face had already turned red with embarrassment.

Well, she wasn't that noble...

Lin Lu also warned his three sons with a stern look.

"Your mother is right; Tangtang cares for this family, wanting to make up for our shortcomings by getting meat and eggs.

But you must not expect this of her; she owes you nothing!"

Lin Qingshui quickly joined in, "That's for sure, it's our duty to care for our younger sister.

She has consideration for us, and we care for her just the same."

"Tangtang, don't worry, when your third brother has some free time, he'll go find some wild fruits for you."

And there was Wang Zhaodi; her account had yet to be settled!

The eldest, Lin Qingshan, nodded seriously, saying solemnly,

"Dad, Mom, don't worry, our family doesn't have any ungrateful people. We remember the kindness our sister has shown us."

Taking care of one's younger siblings is one's duty.

Lin Qingshui glanced at his wife Zhou Mei and heaved a silent sigh.

He hurriedly echoed, "What Big Brother and Third Brother said is right; I feel the same."

His parents were clearly targeting his difficult daughter-in-law with their words. Tsk!

Marrying a greedy and tactless wife, what could he do?

He could only teach her slowly!

Goudan was clueless about why all the adults were so serious.

Seeing that everyone had said their piece, he timidly chimed in,

"Dad, can you make me a small cage?" he tugged at his father's sleeve and asked.
