I'm dying of craving for it

Having said that, she immediately withdrew her gaze and started speaking softly to her younger daughter.

Her son was rough and didn't need coddling.

Zhou Mei, watching from the side, felt sour in her heart.

So now that she has a daughter, she becomes invisible? What kind of dog of a man is that?

In the village, which family didn't favor boys over girls?

But the Lin Family was simply a freak show, pampering their daughter as if she were something precious.

Zhou Mei couldn't stand it.

Suddenly, she walked over to Lin Qingshui and grabbed his arm tightly.


The words had barely left her throat when Lin Qingshui shuddered all over.

He couldn't bear it and shook off her hand.

With an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

"What's the matter? If you have something to say, speak clearly," he said.

What was this mean woman up to again, making one feel so uneasy?

The man dodged too quickly, and Zhou Mei nearly fell to the ground.

Fire in her eyes, she stared at her husband with murderous intent, "Lin Qingshui!!"

Disgusted with whom?

"What's up? I'm right here! Why are you shouting so loudly? Don't you need a sip of water? Is your mouth not dry?" Look at your lips, they're all cracked.

Zhou Mei moistened her dry lips.

The anger in her body popped like a pierced balloon, scattering into pieces...

Her mouth did seem a bit dry.

It was just the right time for a sip of chicken soup, if there was any.

Thinking of meat, Zhou Mei lost the desire to quarrel with her husband anymore.

She shut the courtyard door.

With a click, she bolted the door and walked quickly toward the kitchen.

In those years of scarcity, meat was a craving that could drive a person crazy.

Li Xiuli guessed it was time and lifted the pot lid.

Good heavens, the smell was intoxicating!

The people in the room inhaled the scent of the meat in the air.

Before anyone could say a word, the kitchen door was suddenly pushed open.

Zhou Mei couldn't control the saliva in her mouth because of the aroma.

She swallowed gulp after gulp with reddened eyes.

"My, my, it smells so good! How timely of me to return.

Mom, let Hutou and Niuniu have a taste first, the children are starving," she said.

Li Xiuli hurried forward to close the kitchen door, afraid that the delicious smell would escape.

"Did you reincarnate from a starving ghost? What are those hands for, just decoration? Don't you know how to shut the door? What if the neighbors come knocking, will you open the door or not?" she scolded.

Zhou Mei, like a wild cat whose tail had been stepped on, instantly bristled.

"Open what door? No way, everyone hides their meat, I wouldn't open the door even if they broke it down."

Li Xiuli, who had only meant to remind her to close the door, was speechless: "..."

"Is that the point? Is that what I'm talking about?" Li Xiuli glared at her.

Zhou Mei was confused, "Then what is mom talking about?"

Wasn't she being told to guard the meat?

Li Xiuli felt as if she had a lump in her chest, believing that her daughter-in-law was sent by the heavens to punish her.

Lin Tang watched the scene and couldn't help but chuckle.

She had always found her second sister-in-law particularly annoying, the most detestable person in the family, greedy and miserly.

But now, suddenly, putting those flaws aside, she found her second sister-in-law quite amusing.

"Mom, is dinner ready? Can we eat now?" Lin Tang asked.

Upon hearing her daughter was hungry, Li Xiuli momentarily put aside the thought of schooling her daughter-in-law and focused on something else.

Nothing could delay Tangtang's mealtime.

Zhou Mei, seeing her sister-in-law help her out of a tight spot, suddenly felt that she wasn't as annoying as before.

That fair and pleasant face.

That beautiful smiling face, always greeting people with a three-part smile, was really hard to dislike now.

Zhou Mei's change of mood did not escape Ning Xinrou's observant eyes.

She couldn't help but smile.

How wonderful!

Li Xiuli first scooped out some of the meat from the pot and placed it in a coarse porcelain bowl, then covered the bowl to give to Ning Xinrou.

"Take this meat to your grandparents, and be discreet."

Thinking of her grandmother standing up for her and dousing Wu Chunhua with dirty water, Lin Tang suddenly wanted to visit the old mansion.

She said, "Mother, let me go."

It had been a long time since she had seen her grandparents, and she wanted to visit them.

Li Xiuli was startled and looked at Lin Tang for a long time without speaking.

Tangtang wants to see her grandmother?

Wasn't she the one who was most afraid of her grandmother?

"What's wrong?" Lin Tang, seeing her mother's odd expression, was full of puzzlement.

"Don't you dislike going to the old mansion?"

Ning Xinrou also looked at Lin Tang in surprise.

Meanwhile, Zhou Mei stared intently at the covered pot, simply craving the meat.

Lin Tang, facing two pairs of questioning eyes, felt not the slightest bit guilty and said, "My grandma stood up for me against the neighbors. I want to personally thank her."

She used to be scared of her grandmother, always feeling like there was a murderous intent about her.

Those eyes were icy cold as if at any second she could draw a knife and chop her down.

After seeing more of the world, she realized that it was the aura of someone who had shed blood.

Besides, her grandmother was family, what was there to be afraid of?

After hearing Tangtang's explanation, a smile appeared on Li Xiuli's face.

"Alright, if you want to go, then go. Your older sister has just taken a break, so go and come back quickly."

"Alright." Lin Tang acknowledged and headed towards the old mansion with the food.

The Lin Family's old mansion was not far away, just a five-minute walk.

It was a narrow house with a courtyard just over a meter wide.

Stepping through the ordinary wooden door, on the right-hand side were the rooms.

There were three rooms in total; the one by the door was used for storing all manner of clutter.

The middle room was the kitchen, and behind the kitchen was the room where the old couple lived.

Zhao Shuzhen heard someone in the courtyard and came out of the room.

"...Why have you come?" She asked, somewhat surprised.

If the old Lin Tang had heard this, she definitely would have thought her grandmother did not welcome her visit.

But now, she knew that her grandmother's question was just that, a simple inquiry devoid of any sentimental tone.

"I was lucky to catch a wild chicken. My mother made a stew with the chicken and potatoes, and told me to bring some for you and grandpa to try. Where's grandpa?"

Zhao Shuzhen brightened up at the mention of meat, thinking of her husband who had been sick these days.

"Come inside, your grandpa is in the room."

With that, she led the way into the house.

Lin Tang touched her nose and hurriedly followed.

The room was dim, with a kang against the wall.

To the left of the door stood a worn cabinet, which was topped with various items.

Lin Xiuyuan was reclining on the kang.

Seeing Lin Tang enter, a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

"Tangtang is here!" His voice was deep, clearly filled with laughter.

Lin Tang's eyes lit up at the sight of the handsome old man on the kang.

"Grandpa, I've come to see you!"

Lin Xiuyuan, although nearly sixty, was neither hard of hearing nor sight.

His skin was somewhat pale, with eyes that were profound and bright, making him seem like he was from a different world compared to the other village elders.

If only he could put on a bit more weight on his face, he would be more of a heartthrob than the idols Lin Tang had seen in another world.

"Tangtang, come and sit. Have you eaten?"

Lin Tang handed the meat to Zhao Shuzhen and cheerfully said, "Not yet. I will eat when I go back.

My mother cooked chicken and potato stew, and I brought a bowl for grandma and grandpa."

"Wild chicken?" Lin Xiuyuan's face showed confusion, then he furrowed his brow, "Who went up the mountain?"

"Didn't go up the mountain. Goudan and I went up to gather firewood and found it at the base of the mountain," Lin Tang replied without batting an eyelid, her face the picture of innocence.

The young girl's face was tender and fair, her eyes clear and bright.

The soft smile on her lips made it impossible to be harsh with her.