Outside the window, there are a pair of eyes.

What was that just now…

The brigade members looked at each other in bewilderment, yet saw confirmation in each other's eyes.

Suddenly, they were flabbergasted.

And then—




"Damn, I'm about to laugh my head off."

As everyone came to their senses, the room erupted with laughter.

Yang Chunfang's face turned red and purple with humiliation.

Hurriedly covering her face, she ran towards home.

Determined to get as far away as possible from this face-shattering place.

Little did she know, the moment she turned around—

Her stomach started churning again.

Immediately after, another earthshaking sound ensued.

The blast was so powerful it even puffed up the back of her pants a few times.

"Hahahaha..." Liu Damei laughed so hard that tears fell, and mockingly said:

"Auntie Yang, even if your Guohui is disappointing and has filled you with so much anger, you didn't have to release it in public.