Is 289 a sign of some great fortune?

Lin Qingshan finished drafting the agreement and read it aloud in public.

Zhao Honghua made a swift decision, pressing her thumbprint on the document with the lightness of someone about to be liberated.

Upon seeing this, Chen Jiefang let out a held breath and also came forward to press his thumbprint.

From that moment on, what was once a lifelong couple became strangers overnight.

Zhao Honghua only felt a sense of relief, as if a heavy stone that had been pressing on her soul was finally lifted.

Looking at Li Xiuli, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Xiuli, I've been freed!"

Li Xiuli's eyes also watered, as she nodded.

"Yes, you've been freed."

"Ziqiang is a good kid. You and your son will have a good life from now on, certainly no worse than it is now."

Chen Ziqiang didn't give Chen Jiefang a single excess glance and looked after his mother with concern.

"Mom, I'm going to work hard and try to earn full points every day so we can have a good life."