302 people are gone


Wu Chunhua glanced at her. "You? Go find your dad. Isn't he capable? You guys will have to figure it out yourselves these next couple days," she said.

Wu Chunhua had become ruthless.

In her heart, she thought, Wang Daniu is acting all high and mighty now, right? Well, let him sort out his own meals.

Wang Zhaodi's heart panicked.

With this lousy weather, there was nothing to be found on the mountain.

Depending on her dad, they'd have to drink the northwest wind.

Her face full of pleading, she said, "… With this rainy weather, where could dad possibly get any food? Mom, can you spare us a few sweet potatoes?"

Seeing her pitiful look, Wu Chunhua picked out two sweet potatoes from the cabinet and handed them over.

"Here, two for you."

Wang Zhaodi looked at the sweet potatoes in her hand, skinnier even than the malnourished, and wanted to ask for one more.

After hesitating for a long while and moving her lips, she still didn't dare to speak up.