Is 310 too fast?!

Gu Yingzhou adjusted his glasses at the bridge of his nose, his voice steady but with a hint of indulgence, "As long as you like it."

Although he had never watched a movie with any female Comrade, he was still aware of the routine moves of his friends who took their dates to the cinema.

Lin Tang came over indeed feeling thirsty, took a sip, and then suddenly turned her face towards Gu Yingzhou.

"What about yours? Are you thirsty? If you are, take a drink," she said.

As she spoke, she passed the soda over to him.

In Lin Tang's eyes, she and Comrade Gu had already established a revolutionary friendship.

Sharing a bottle of soda was nothing; they would exchange saliva later on, and even more outrageous things, really nothing to be prissy about.

As for the idea that they would split ways halfway, Lin Tang found it impossible.

Once the game of love started, if she took it seriously, she would only accept widowhood.

Gu Yingzhou was unaware of Lin Tang's dangerous thoughts.