319 Heartless Werewolf

Zhao Honghua shook her head and said, "It's not just a quarrel, this time it's more serious than a quarrel. That couple is probably going to divorce!"

This news shocked Li Xiuli.

"What? Wu Chunhua is getting a divorce?" Li Xiuli leaned in and asked in a low voice, "What happened? How could they be getting a divorce?"

Upon hearing this news, she felt very complicated inside.

It was somewhat unexpected, and she also felt a heaviness in her chest.

Zhao Honghua said, "I don't know, I heard her husband say they can't go on like this, there's probably something that we don't know about."

Li Xiuli fell silent for a while and then said, "Wu Chunhua has always been a drama queen since she was young, and she's still the same at her age. Let her be; it's not like we can control her."

The word "drama queen" was something she had recently picked up from Tangtang.

"Drama queen?" Zhao Honghua repeated, then laughed, "That's a curious word."