Is it not good to start a business?

Lin Fu solemnly thanked Gu Yingzhou, "Okay, thank you, Comrade."

He then arranged for a few strong youths to tie up the troublemakers and send them to the Police Station.

He was not a person who feared trouble.

When someone had hit him in the face, it was only right to return the slap.

Lin Aiguo saw that Gu Yingzhou's combat abilities were off the charts, as he resolved the issue with the troublemakers single-handedly.

He had gone to the Sauce Factory in advance to get a bundle of nylon rope.

Hearing his uncle's words, he joined the others in tying up Wu Xiangqian and his crew into a line and dragged them towards the county town.

Wu Xiangqian looked back, his gaze venomously fixed on Gu Yingzhou.

His eyes spelled out: You're dead.

Gu Yingzhou's expression remained untroubled, looking at him as if he were no different from a worthless stone by the roadside.

To him, such a clown was worth nothing.

Having seen the matter resolved, Lin Xiuyuan led his old wife back home.