My little girl is beyond comparison.

He turned his head quickly to glance at the young girl.

He saw that Tangtang's eyes were curved into crescents, filled with starlight and without a hint of shadow, making one's heart soften at the sight.

Knowing that the children in the village would soon have books to read made her so happy, he wanted to protect her pure heart with everything he had.

While everyone dreamt of a bright future, Lin Tang leaned over and whispered in admiration, "You're amazing, Comrade Gu."

With a light chuckle, Gu Yingzhou replied softly, "Not as amazing as my young girl."

Tit for tat, neither willing to concede.

Lin Lu took out a cigarette and felt a surge of energy.

Seeing the other men still bothering their future sons-in-law, he stood up.

"Alright, that's enough, let's get to work and pick the corn cobs, it'll be dark in a while."

Realizing that the shadow of the sun was nearly gone, everyone snapped back to reality.

"Right, right, almost forgot the real business here."