461 Stands Up Again

Wang Yuanchao was on duty tonight.

He immediately shouted, "Captain, rest assured, I guarantee to keep our brigade's corn cobs safe."

Wang Yuanchao's childhood friend unceremoniously bumped his arm and added, "Me too, Captain, you can count on me."

Heads can be broken, blood can flow, but the grain must not be compromised!

Lin Fu nodded with a smile, "I'm confident in the two of you lads taking care of things."

After discussing the important matters, he told Lin Tang to hurry back home and then he headed to the grain drying ground with a few other brigade cadres.

Before leaving, he glanced at Gu Yingzhou, who was working efficiently; the satisfaction was evident in Captain Lin's eyes.

Tangtang has a good eye for people!

Much better than his daughter, who had her eyes smeared with feces and mistook rocks for jade.

A group of men and iron ladies kept busy and quickly finished moving the corn cobs from the field.