516 Village People's Intentions (Extra Chapter)

"It turns out you really do need a tetanus shot if you get cut by iron, otherwise, it can kill you," he said solemnly.

Because a young person had just died, even the thought of seeking comfort from his wife had faded significantly.

Li Xiuli noticed that the old man's expression was off and continued to ask, "Did you see something?"

Lin Lu nodded and told his wife about the incident he had encountered on the road.

Li Xiuli's face turned slightly pale after hearing this.

"...It's that scary?!"

At this moment, she felt the same as Lin Lu; her heart was enveloped in retrospective fear.

"Thank goodness for Yingzhou!"

She patted the old man's arm.

The pat just happened to be where Lin Lu had the shot.

Back in those days, needles weren't that fine, and getting one in the arm really hurt.

Not screaming in agony was a sign of endurance!

"Ow..." Lin Lu suppressed his voice, howling softly.

In his own house, he completely dropped the pretense of being unafraid of needles.