535 Why does this talk sound so tea? Ugh (additional update)

Yang Lao suddenly remembered the young girl being pushed by the people from the Technology Department to work so hard she couldn't even leave work on time. His complexion changed slightly.

"There's no need for that; the effort she's putting in now is enough. Health is important."

High-intensity work requires a good body to sustain.

Qiao Cheng could see his master's heart had completely leaned toward Lin Tang, he looked up to the sky at a forty-five degree angle, his face etched with the vicissitudes of life.

If you're not smart, even your master could be taken away by someone else.

His heart felt chilled as if a cold wind had blown through it!

Lin Tang nodded obediently, "I'll listen to you."

Qiao Cheng thought about how Lin Tang usually confronted him, and felt a pain in his liver.

A double-faced person indeed.


In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

That day, as soon as Lin Tang entered the factory, she ran into her nemesis, Min Feiying, as if by fate.