Why are you so stubborn about trivial matters?

Qin Suqing's eyes suddenly brightened, and she murmured, "Everything has cracks, are they the places where the light gets in?"

"That line is so beautiful. I like it so much. Did you come up with it? Tangtang, you're really amazing."

Lin Tang: "..."

Stuff like that was all over the internet in the future.

Find one and you could get a hundred more for free.

But she couldn't exactly say that, so she had to thicken her skin and go along with it.


The thing about skin is, the more you grind it, the thicker it gets.


Time flew by, and the tail end of November brushed past.

That month, a phrase appeared everywhere in the country.

"Go to the countryside, go to the frontier, go to where the motherland needs you the most."

"Revolutionary youth aim everywhere, take root in the countryside, take root in the frontier."

A special signal was sent out, and the wheels of history rolled silently, leaving behind the marks of its passage.