541 That female educated youth is crazy, right!!

Lin Tang liked people who were straightforward and easy to get along with.

For a moment, her impression of these sent-down youths improved considerably.

"It's no trouble, someone will deliver them to you in a few days. You've bought a lot, so we'll give you two extra buckets at that time."

The young people were delighted and broke into smiles.

"Then we'll thank Comrade Lin in advance."

Lin Tang waved her hand slightly, "No need for thanks."

A done deal didn't warrant any gratitude.

"Is there anything else? If not, I'll be on my way."

The seven sent-down youths who had just arrived obviously had issues needing attention.

Chen Wanwan, as if afraid that Lin Tang would leave, grabbed her arm.

"Don't rush off just yet, at least tell us about the village first. We don't know anything."

Lin Tang didn't like being grabbed by strangers and calmly pulled her arm away from Chen Wanwan.