Surviving ensures safety

Once the person in question had left, those who remained were still in high spirits.

The people from Shuangshan Brigade had long been accustomed to the Lin Family's frequent big events, and after some casual chatter, they dispersed.

A few educated youths stood there, each harboring their own thoughts.

Chen Wanwan was straightforward and a bit simple-minded, without many ideas, but she felt somewhat moved.

"Comrade Lin Tang is really amazing."

Having spent some time in the Shuangshan Brigade, they had heard a fair amount about Lin Tang.

Knowing she was a genuine country girl, who had changed her life and her family's on her own merit, she was respected by both men and women.

Yu Feiyang also held Lin Tang in high esteem.

At such a young age, she managed to improve her family's life with her abilities, and who wouldn't call that impressive upon knowing?

That's why, no matter what, one must strive to be self-reliant and self-improving.