599 When I am full of sins...

After teasing Little Zhixuan, Lin Tang continued to sign autographs and leave messages for others.

Those who had special requests, she satisfied them all.

Soon, it was Musheng's turn.

Musheng said expressionlessly, "I don't have any requests. Just write whatever, even just a signature is fine."

Lin Tang looked up at him, then quickly lowered her head and wrote a sentence.

"To Comrade Lin Musheng, the world has smitten me with pain; I shall answer with a song. —From Sister Tangtang of Master's house"

"Brother Musheng, I'm giving you a phrase I really like. I hope your path forward is smooth and the storms splendid."

The reason she added the 'Lin' in front of Musheng's name was because she wanted to tell him, who seemed to drift outside of everyone else, that he was also part of the Lin Family, that they accepted him.

Why did she write this sentence? She hoped that Brother Musheng would walk towards the good.