People with too strong a sense of morality...

In Huashuo County.

Following the pigs being sold from Shuangshan Brigade, Lin Tang received all the materials for the parts she had requested from Jing Yin, which were very complete, allowing the spinning machine project to progress smoothly.

The entire Technology Department worked overtime.

Before the arrival of the New Year, they succeeded in researching and manufacturing the spinning machine, which could improve efficiency by several times.

After the machine's successful trial run, Elder Yang composed a report and, accompanied by Qiao Cheng, personally went to the Provincial City to present it to the leadership.

Lin Tang was also to go with them, but since she was about to get engaged, she decided not to.

With the spinning machine trial now concluded, the busy pace of the Technology Department finally slowed down.

Lin Tang no longer worked overtime and returned home on time every day.

On arriving home this day, she saw the courtyard door open.