Is this a mess? This is madness

Lin Fu rushed over and saw everyone huddled together, he waved his hand.

"Get to work, don't crowd around here. Let them go back and wash up first, covered in mud,"

he said in a stern voice.

Touching Lin Tang's head, his voice softened several degrees.

"Tangtang, you've worked hard. Go back and take a shower, eat something warm, and then rest in your room for a while. How did you get so thin in just a few days?"

Everyone was used to his double standards and didn't care, so they all went about their own business.

Lin Tang returned home, took a hot bath, ate a warm meal, and went back to her own room.

Qiuqiu, seeing its owner whom it hadn't seen for days, instantly lost its cool.

Jumping onto her, it extended its barbed tongue, licking everywhere.

"That's enough, I have no interest in your saliva!" Lin Tang dodged, patting Hutou, and complained, "Don't forget, you're the majestic king of the mountains, not a little dog."