Chapter 517: Standoff Between Two Parties

March 16.

The sun seemed to have finally gathered some warmth. The chilling winds and snowstorms of the past five months had faded away; layers of ice in the river melted off chunk by chunk, and the rolling waves brought forth new food.

The population of Yan City has dwindled to less than one hundred thousand.

Hunger was not the real criminal; the storms and chilling winds were.

Datian Village was the first to catch fish for consumption.

There are five types of fish most commonly found in the river, but in the end, only two types were deemed edible.

The other three types all had blackened gills for unknown reasons, and their flesh was tinged with sourness.

Chi Sheng managed to convey this information back to the city, providing the citizens who were barely getting by on rice porridge with some additional food supply.