Chapter 621: Haven't Forgotten (First Update)

The next day at noon, only half-past ten-year-old Cui Yanjin and Cui Xingzhi left from Cui family of Qinghe.

After a night of consideration, the others all felt it too dangerous to let their offspring go to Nanchu. They feared a one-way journey with no return. It did not seem wise to them for Mister Cui to let his most promising grandson abandon his original path and head to Nanchu.

They thought of the two hundred guards he had assigned to Zhou Gu and how in such a short time, news had come back saying only a few of the guards had survived the battle. As a message traveled all the way to Nanchu and then from the Duchess to Mister Cui hand, it had been a month. A lot could have happened in that time. Zhou Gu could even have lost his life.

Mister Cui felt disappointment when he saw only young Cui Yanjin, but he also acknowledged that the cautious decision made by the others was understandable given the grim situation turning up in Nanchu.